St Michael's Community College
Tri fhoghlaim saoirse


‘Tri fhoghlaim, saoirse’

(Through learning, freedom)

This is our school motto. It captures in three words, the vision we have for our students futures. We strive to empower our students so that they have the freedom pursue their hopes, dreams and aspirations. We are committed to nurturing our students toward maturity and enabling them to make strategic choices that facilitate a fulfilling career, work and personal life when they leave school.

We strive to develop the values, attitudes and skills our students need to become self-aware, independent- thinking young adults, capable of making positive, responsible choices that support their learning, personal growth and vocational development.

We foster the core values of integrity, respect for self and others, care for the wellbeing of self and others, personal responsibility and contribution to the community. Our students are supported throughout, with kindness, acceptance and inclusion, within clearly explained and understood boundaries.

Our teachers are a dedicated and experienced team, committed to ensuring the highest quality of teaching and learning in their classrooms. They are highly skilled, engage in ongoing professional development and training, and are very aware of the need to adapt for students, in a rapidly changing world. The team is attuned to the needs of the community they serve; students from a rural area on the western seaboard who need to become capable local and global citizens in a diverse and interconnected world. To pursue studies and training for their chosen professions, teachers need to prepare students for both local and distant opportunities, whilst caring for them and supporting them on their present journey.

The school has a long-established history of providing high quality and inclusive education opportunities for the community it serves, and we strive to ensure that it will continue to do so.

Helena Keane


Damian Duggan

Deputy Principal

“The teaching team is a key strength; it presents as diligent and collaborative with a strong commitment to students’ welfare.”

“There is a high level of dedication to the care and welfare of students; this was strongly endorsed by students during the evaluation.

DES Whole school Inspection Report 2015

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St Michael's Community College
Kilmihil Co. Clare, Ireland
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